

title: //About_me
permalink: /about/ layout: page excerpt: Hello peeps, I’m student of computer science from Banyuwangi, living in Jogjakarta. This blog for documentation about my programming journey, running on jekyll, hosting on netlify and using my own simple theme. comments: false — Hello, everyone! I’m speaker, writer, podcaster and PhD Student in Computer Science at Federal University of Pernambuco. I’m from Brazil, but currently I’m living in Paris-France. I hold a BSc in Information Systems and a MSc in Innovation in Educational Technologies. In my High School I created the Literaly Manifest Compiled Poetry (Poesia Compilada in Portuguese). I love to developer projects that envolved code, art and education. Print(“I’m Pyladies”)

may u needs ✨

  • soraya.roberta.js@gmail.com
  • github.com/sorayaroberta **